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What is ‘a safe environment’?

FAQs: Hosts

What is ‘a safe environment’?

This is mostly a matter of common sense, but it is worth drawing the student’s attention to safety features. Many students will bring electrical appliances and, especially with the younger ones, it is quite acceptable to check that they are using them in a safe manner. You should also draw students’ attention to extra precautions

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What is ‘adequate heat and light’?

This is difficult to describe but, for example, a second or third blanket is not a substitute for night time heating in cold weather!

What are some top tips that I can use?

Top tips for a happy Homestay!

  • Clarity and Empathy - Some of our students are very young; many are in a foreign country for the first time or away from their parents for the first time. All of them are communicating in a foreign language. Most anxiety is caused by not knowing what to
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How much ‘space to hang/store clothes’ do the students need?

This means being able to unpack completely! For longer-term students it may be worth considering a laundry basket for dirty clothes.

Do I have to clean and tidy after the student?

It is the student’s responsibility to keep their room tidy, but this does not mean they should be expected to do any cleaning. It is reasonable to expect the student to make their own bed but not reasonable to expect them to change the sheets. Make sure that untidiness is not caused by confusion over

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What are ‘reasonable mealtimes’?

This can be a real problem! Just about everyone else in the world eats later than the British! The student should expect to have to fit in. 1800~2000 is a reasonable time range for an evening meal. We appreciate that families with small children may want to eat earlier but you must accept that your

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What are the Melton College Welfare Regulations 2023?

We want our students to get the most out of their course at Melton College and to enjoy themselves as much as possible. We all have to obey rules. For our younger students, there are some additional rules designed for their protection. The student, and if they are under 18, their parents, agree to abide

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What are the tax implications?

Please be aware that if your earnings from hosting are above the minimum threshold tax will be payable. For more information, visit the following website:

Do I have to give my student(s) a key?

Preferably No. However, for adult students it is a practical arrangement, particularly if they want to return late or if they will get home in the evening before you. If you prefer not to give an adult student a key this is your choice but the implications are that you will need to be…

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How do I become a host?

Follow the link to our "become a host" page or contact our Accommodation Manager, Denise by calling 01904 622250 or emailing

What happens when I apply to be a host?

Once for have filled in the applications form, Denise will arrange to visit the room/s you are offering. If everything is suitable you can sign a formal agreement and officially become a host

What does a Homestay host provide?

Requirements for providing homestay accommodation.

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When does the College require Homestay accommodation?

All year round except for 2 weeks over Christmas when the College is closed. Please note if the room is not available in July, August or September we will be unlikely to use that room.

What are the minimum and maximum ages for courses at the College?

Gold: 40+.
Young Learners: 11-19. (10 if coming with a parent)

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What time is curfew?

When at Melton College, if you are under 18, the College will, in certain circumstances, make decisions on behalf of your parents. The College has decided that all students under the age of 18 should return home by certain curfew times. See ‘Read More’ for details.

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What is Melton College’s safeguarding policy?

Melton College has a moral and legal obligation to provide students with the highest possible standard of care. Melton College is committed to devising and implementing policies so that all staff are aware of their responsibilities to safeguard children from harm and abuse.

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