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Do I have to give my student(s) a key?

Do I have to give my student(s) a key?

Preferably No. However, for adult students it is a practical arrangement, particularly if they want to return late or if they will get home in the evening before you. If you prefer not to give an adult student a key this is your choice but the implications are that you will need to be up when the student comes home and you will not be able to go out when the student is in the house.

With younger students it is a matter of judgement. If they are likely to return home before you then they will need a key. They should not have a key simply to be able to get in later in the evening as you will need to know when they have come home!

If you lend your student a key, ensure that they know how the use it (not as obvious as it sounds, we have had to rescue a number of students unable to open or lock doors!).

Stress the need to keep the key safe. It is a good idea to put the College address and your host number on a key fob on the key as it will then, if lost, be returned to the College without any risk to the security of your house.

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