What time is curfew?
Evenings and curfews
Students must return by the Curfew times set by the College. Please note, these times cannot be changed by the student, their parents, relations, agents, teachers. Group leaders may set earlier curfews!
Homestay hosts are asked to ring the member of staff on duty if students have not returned by the curfew time. However, please note this is not a curfew extension!
Curfew Times
18 | 2300 |
17 | 2230 |
16 | 2200 |
15 | 2130** |
14 | 2100** |
13* | 2030** |
12* | 2000** |
11 and under* | 1930** |
*Students under 16 must return home after College for their evening meal.
** Unless they are on a College activity
We will explain the curfews to juniors on their first morning. Please be sure to emphasise the deadlines for returning home. These are the times they must be back in your home. If a student is not home by their curfew time, please call the college emergency phone. We are responsible for the student’s safety and welfare and cannot be flexible about these deadlines.
Remember, we are here to help! Please ring us if there is anything you want to discuss about your student or about working with the College.