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Parental Consent

Parental Consent

About Parental Consent

Helping students to be safe and to make the right decisions.

It is important to know when we will use parental consent.  It is also important to know that most of these examples are very unusual!  Parental Consent is, like travel insurance, something you should have but will probably not use!

We will always act in what we believe to be the best interests of your child. We will always make every effort to contact you before making a decision but will put your child’s interests first. In other words, we will make a decision if we cannot contact you in time.


Adults can be required to be present during medical consultations. This does not necessarily mean being in the room but being nearby.

Adults are required to give permission for most non-trivial medical procedures.  Emergency procedures are usual done without consent but most other procedures require adult consent. If we can, we will always contact parents first.

Adults are required to make bookings and agree to dental treatment. So, if your child wears braces and they need adjustment, an adult will need to accompany them

The Law

An adult needs to be present if a child is interviewed by the Police. This includes giving a statement as a witness

An adult needs to be informed and called if a child is arrested and to be present at the interview. An adult is needed to agree to a child accepting a caution

Some premised are off-limits to children, without an adult present.

In the UK, you must be 18 to buy or smoke cigarettes and to buy or drink alcohol (or have alcohol bought for you).  The actual law is much more complex but this basic description is a good base from which to set expectations of behaviour!  In the same way, all drugs are illegal in the UK.  This is, again, a simplification but is the best statement from which to start.

The UK also has very strict laws about weapons, especially knives. Even some penknives would be classed as weapons. Again, the actual law is complex but the best rule to follow is don't carry a knife and don't buy a knife.

Free Time - Supervision when not in class

The students are allowed to go into the city after class. However, if they are under the age of 16 they must be in a group of at least three students and they must return home for their evening meal (unless eating as part of a College activity. Students are allowed to travel to and from their accommodation alone at the beginning and end of the day. Parents of students aged 11~13 can ask for their child to be taken to and from College. This is our school run service which is available for an additional charge.

On excursions, students are given free time to explore the venue or town we are visiting but must do so in a group of at least three students.

If you have any concerns about supervision, please get in touch. We are always happy to discuss individual needs.

Do we ever ask students to leave the College?

We will act in the best interests of your child. We will also act in the best interest of all the children in the College which means, in extreme circumstances, we may need to apply sanctions to your child for the safety and well being of all the children in the College.  This means there are circumstances under which we might ask you to remove your child from Melton College, or circumstances where we may need to isolate your child from other children. For specific examples, please follow this link.

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