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Is York a Safe City?

FAQs: All

Is York a Safe City?

Yes, like most smaller cities, York is safer than the larger cities.  The same risk do exist everywhere but crime levels are lower and most terrorist incidents have occurred in larger cities. However, we take the safety of our students seriously and have a comprehensive Emergency Plan. This is a requirement of our Accreditation so…

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Do students have the right to free healthcare in the UK?

Emergency care is always provided free of charge. Additional care, including routine visits to a doctor are not.  It is a complicated area as the exact answer does vary from country to country. Please visit the National Health Service website for more information.

What are my (my Child’s) legal rights in the UK?

You (your child) is protected and constrained by UK law.  This may, in some cases, seem more severe than in your country (for example, the minimum age for buying cigarettes) or is may seem more relaxed. The important point is that you must obey (or your child must obey) UK law.  Part of Parent al…

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Does the College hold fire drills?

We hold a minimum of two fire (evacuation) drills every year. In addition, the fire alarms and fire doors are tested every Monday at 1330.

Does the College provide first aid?

Yes. Our main first aid point (and the location of our defibrillator) is the East Room.  Further first aid kits are kept: 1; In the Cafe, 2. In the Guest House, 3. In the excursion bags carried by our staff. The majority of staff have first aid training. First Aid provision is led by the…

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What happens on Public Holidays?

The College operates as normal on all public holidays.  However, students need to remember that the local buses may run to a restricted timetable!

Are younger students supervised?

Young students are allowed to go into the City after class. However, if they are under the age of 16 they must be in a group of at least three students and they must return home for their evening meal (unless eating as part of a College activity. Students are allowed to travel to and…

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What is Parental Consent?

Parental Consent means that the College has the right to act on behalf of parents in the best interest of the child. In the UK, you are a child until your are 18. There are some decisions you are not allowed to make on your own You have additional rights There are some things you…

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Can I work for Melton College?

We are always happy to hear from people who would like to join the team! To be considered for a position at Melton College you must have the right to work in the UK and, for teaching positions, be qualified in line with current AccreditationUK requirements.  In addition, for anyone taking up regulated activity at…

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What if my child is too ill to attend?

If staying in Homestay, your child’s host will contact the College. If your child is well enough/old enough to be left alone, the host may do so. If your child is not old enough to be left alone and the host will be out, we either send a member of staff to babysit, or we…

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What if I am too ill to attend?

Please contact the College and let us know.

Do I have to attend all my classes?

You are an adult and if you choose to miss classes, that is your choice (though please remember, you cannot get a refund!). If you miss classes, you may miss something important for later lessons and your teachers will not be able to repeat previous material for you. Similarly, please remember that arriving late is…

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Does my child have to attend all their lessons?

Yes!  We check our junior classes within the first 5 minutes of the start of the first lesson and start to look for any students who have not arrived.  Junior students must attend all lessons and all Saturday Excursions. The only exception to the rule for Saturday Excursions is for students staying with family or…

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What to do if you are Sad, Angry of Happy?

The most important thing is to talk to us! We will try to help! If you are sad, upset by someone of something, click here and find out how to speak to Jake, our Welfare and Safguarding Lead. If you are angry, with someone, speak to us, follow the same link. If you are angry…

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What is ‘a safe environment’?

This is mostly a matter of common sense, but it is worth drawing the student’s attention to safety features. Many students will bring electrical appliances and, especially with the younger ones, it is quite acceptable to check that they are using them in a safe manner. You should also draw students’ attention to extra precautions…

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What is ‘adequate heat and light’?

This is difficult to describe but, for example, a second or third blanket is not a substitute for night time heating in cold weather!

What are Melton College’s official accreditations?

Accreditation, what it means Melton College is accredited by a body called ‘Accreditation UK’. They inspect the quality of the services we provide. To remain accredited, we have to abide by a large number of criteria. These include: W15 No more than four students will be accommodated in a Homestay at any one time. W18…

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What are some top tips that I can use?

Top tips for a happy Homestay! Clarity and Empathy – Some of our students are very young; many are in a foreign country for the first time or away from their parents for the first time. All of them are communicating in a foreign language. Most anxiety is caused by not knowing what to do…

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How much ‘space to hang/store clothes’ do the students need?

This means being able to unpack completely! For longer-term students it may be worth considering a laundry basket for dirty clothes.

Do I have to clean and tidy after the student?

It is the student’s responsibility to keep their room tidy, but this does not mean they should be expected to do any cleaning. It is reasonable to expect the student to make their own bed but not reasonable to expect them to change the sheets. Make sure that untidiness is not caused by confusion over…

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Why do you say that meals should be eaten with host(s)?

Meals shared at a table, with the family, are an important part of your student’s time with you. They are an excellent opportunity for the student to practice their English and to interact with the family. Of course, students are expected to adapt, within reason, to your mealtimes!

What are ‘reasonable mealtimes’?

This can be a real problem! Just about everyone else in the world eats later than the British! The student should expect to have to fit in. 1800~2000 is a reasonable time range for an evening meal. We appreciate that families with small children may want to eat earlier but you must accept that your…

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What are the Melton College Welfare Regulations?

We want our students to get the most out of their course at Melton College and to enjoy themselves as much as possible. We all have to obey rules. For our younger students, there are some additional rules designed for their protection. The student, and if they are under 18, their parents, agree to abide…

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What are the tax implications?

Please be aware that if your earnings from hosting are above the minimum threshold tax will be payable. For more information, visit the following website:

Do I have to give my student(s) a key?

Preferably No. However, for adult students it is a practical arrangement, particularly if they want to return late or if they will get home in the evening before you. If you prefer not to give an adult student a key this is your choice but the implications are that you will need to be…

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Who does what? Who do I contact?

The three elements of Melton College, York: College Guest House Exam Centre Work closely together to provide a total, holistic experience for our clients.  Traditional “Organograms” seldom convey the complexity of even a small operation such as Melton College! We divide our roles into “Teams“. Many of us are on more than one Team! Below,…

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Who is the Safeguarding Officer?

Jake, our Head of Junior and Group Programmes is also our Designated Safeguarding Lead The College has two Assistent Safeguarding Leads:  Andrew Hjort (Principal) and Denise Lloyd (Accommodation Manager)

Is there a placement test?

Our Juniors have a placement test on their first morning at Melton College. Our Gold Course students do not have a placement test, instead, our Director of Studies, or one of our senior staff, has a meeting with them, by Zoom, the week before the course.

Do you have a Student Handbook?

No, but all the information you would find in a student handbook is right here on our website!

Do I have to buy coursebooks?

No. Our courses are all skills-based and we do not use coursebooks. We provide all course material as part of the tuition fee.

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